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A trilogy of one-act plays on aspects of love.

"You try to avoid hurting people, but it can't be helped sometimes."

Elegy for a Lady by Arthur Miller
A beautiful and heartbreaking dialogue which reaches into the soul of a dying relationship.

Silver Wedding by John Bowen
On the evening of a couple's 25th Anniversary, the husband returns home over two hours late and discovers that his comfortable life is perhaps not as secure as it would appear.

Resting Place by David Campton
An elderly couple take a seat on their favourite bench in the local cemetery and contemplate their inevitable separation after a life together.

Whilst enjoying a delicious meal in the intimate atmosphere of The Theatre Upstairs, the cream of Next Stage invite you to reflect on these contrasting plays and the relationships they explore.

Elegy for a Lady is presented by arrangement with Josef Weinberger Limited.


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Rehearsal Photographs: