The highlight of the year for Jack, a Yorkshire miner, played by Dave Dunn, and his wife Liz, played by Lesley Langley, is a week in Blackpool taken in the climatically dodgy month of September. Looking back over their life together whilst waiting for the coach to take them home from yet another holiday, Jack and Liz recall memories of the fun and frustrations encompassed in their long marriage.
John Godber's witty and perceptive two-hander, conjures up the lost world of claustrophobically small, seaside boarding houses, predatory landladies and decrepit donkeys so vividly that you can almost feel the sand in your socks and hear the rain bouncing off your pac-a-mac.
Five years ago Next Stage launched its highly popular Supper Theatres in The Theatre Upstairs at the Mission with a production of A Visit from Miss Protheroe. Lesley and Dave performed in the inaugural two-hander and we are delighted to welcome them back for this play: a Valentine’s celebration of the richness, range and warmth of a long-term love.