This fast-paced, sizzling adaptation of Roald Dahl's enduring classic is fun entertainment for all the family. A vibrant and talented cast drawn from Next Stage Youth will enthrall their audience with this stylish, imaginative production.
“Thin curvy claws… a wig … nasty sores on the head … big nose-holes… no toes… and blue spit”...we can only be in the world of Dahl’s Witches!
An orphaned Boy, growing up in Norway with his grandmother, learns from her how to recognize a witch, but, despite her warnings, within days he is nearly captured by the Tree House Witch who has smelt him out. Boy is lucky to escape with his life….but in England he is less fortunate.
Boy’s Grandmother is taken ill and in the very hotel were she is convalescing the Witches of England are having their Annual General Meeting in the presence of the evil Grand High Witch. Trapped in the ballroom as the witches come in, with only his two pet mice for company, Boy overhears the terrible plan the witches have made to get rid of all children. Terrified Boy hides behind a screen……but one of the witches sniffs him out! His life to is about to change forever.
This rollicking play merges humour, slap-stick, suspense and pathos in equal measure. Fun and challenging for the actors and delightful entertainment for all the family an audience needs to be taken on a high-octaine ride. Who better then than Next Stage Youth - performing in the versatile Mission Theatre Main Auditorium - to deliver this show?
Come along and enjoy the ride and as Grandmother says - "Lets hope that where the witches are concerned there are always people brave enough to foil their wicked plans!"
Rehearsal Photographs: